
Connecting top companies with top people.

This is our mission. Search and find. We bridge the gap between these two words in an increasingly fluid labour market, where soft skills and tech skills converge. Because the right candidate exists in every field. You just need to know how to spot them.

Our Search and Selection process is based on the international Executive Search methodology and on a multilingual and cosmopolitan approach.

We define ourselves as a boutique because each project, for us at Rodgy Guerrera and Partners, is a new beginning but also a new goal, to be reached thanks to a methodology crafted through years of experience in the search for Creative, Executive, Middle Management profiles and Professionals in the fields of Fashion and Retail, Luxury and Design.

We operate vertically, along the entire structure of the sectors we cover. Each search is conducted with detailed knowledge of our clients’ environments and specific professional roles within them.

Our services:

  • Bespoke HeadHunting. Direct HeadHunting for identifying Executive Managemement and Middle Management profiles, as well as specialised roles tailored to the clients’ needs. We operate across all company areas, including: creative&design, retail&e-commerce, production&operations, buying&merchandising, marketing&communication, corporate&staff, HR, accounting&finance.

  • Benchmarking. We take a snapshot of our client’s positioning compared to competitors to define Best Practices both at organisational and remuneration levels.
  • Mapping. Specific projects to support corporate Talent Management. Detailed mapping of internal company functions and benchmark against other companies in the relevant business context. Our goal is to meet the needs of your talents, enhance human capital, and support effective design of career paths.